Well its been a busy year. Last summer we bought the original Enecsys domains (at a good deal more than £0.99) . This meant that we now could listen to all the remaining gateways. This posed a new problem - dealing with all the traffic. We got that sorted around November, so now there are an awful lot of smiling Enecsys gateways. In all that, I managed to get a lead on the code to the original Enecsys website. It took a lot of time, but we now have the rights to use the source code and the code itself.
I almost have the layout finished, so for those of you who know the layout of your inverters, don't get rid of it. The original grid view is coming back. Also, in the works is local weather and a few other bits.
I did consider just reviving the whole site, but I am still missing the original backend.
So thats about for now.